Tuesday, April 30, 2019

4/30/2019 Journal Entry # 5

Journal #5

Right now I am being challenged by...(fill in the rest) then write a word of advice for someone who is struggling with the same things you are. 

  • Half page
  • Single Spaces
  • Times New Romans/ Times
  • 12 pt font
  • Black font

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Journal Entry #4

Journal Entry #4

3 qualities I admire about myself are...
3 things I'd like to work on...
5 way's I can start taking better care of myself are.

1/2 to 1 page
12 point

Monday, April 15, 2019

4/15/2019 Journal Entry #3

Happy Monday,

Journal Entry #3

Motivational Monday
Who is the person that motivates you the most and why?
Please make sure you elaborate in your answer.

  • Half a page
  • Single Spaces
  • Times New Romans/ Times
  • 12 pt font
  • Black font

Thank you, 
Ms. M

Monday, April 8, 2019

4/8/2019 Communication Model

Hey guys,

Using the process of communication, compare the parts of the communication model to the process in real life. You can research the web and find pictures and label the following:

Use this as your checklist:
  1. Sender 
  2. Encode
  3. Message 
  4. Channel
  5. Receiver
  6. Decode
  7. Feedback
  8. Channel
  9. Noise
  10. Context
  11. Physical Environment

Do not use the same examples I have provided for you that is - Spongebob, Church or the Classroom
Be creative in your own document.

If you have any questions please make sure you ask.

Thank you

Much love, 

Ms. M

4/8/2019 Journal Entry #2 | If my teacher only knew..

Everybody has a story.
Each person sitting in this room has something they have lived that has changed their life forever. Good or bad, we all live through our experiences and that in fact is the very thing that develops our character. Some of us are outspoken and extroverts, others are shy and analytical, but regardless of who we are, it doesn't change the fact that we are all people. Today I want you to reflect on your own life and journey and write about a YOU!

Journal Entry #2:
If my teacher only knew......


  • Half to one page
  • Single spaced 
  • Times/times new roman
  • 12 pt
  • Black font

When you are done, please be mindful that other people are working and stay silent.
We will begin a lesson in a few minutes. 

With Love ❤️,
Ms. M

Friday, April 5, 2019

4/5/2019 Set up Google Accounts / Journal Entry #1

Hey guys,

Today we will begin writing our Journal Entries, I will take you through how to set up your google account and the beginning entry, including google classroom.

Journal Entry #1: 
What are your goals for this course? What do you expect this course to be about? What do YOU want to learn?

Write a half to one page response for this Journal 
Times New Romans, Time or Arial
12 Black Point Font

Ms. M